The Open Door cafe is held on some Tuesdays from 10.00 am to 11.30 am.
It began after a discussion between Isobel Pilkington and Cathy Reid who felt that a place to meet at the church which could offer a chance to chat and have a bite to eat could be helpful to people who were having to make adjustments to their personal lives.
All are welcome to enjoy the home baking, music and being waited on whether they are part of the church or not. Participants can stay as long as they like but are asked to make a small donation which goes to fund the weekly Order of Service sheet and a to support a charity.
Occasionally the cafe is not open, particularly in the summer, but notices are posted to give advance information.
Would you like to help with the baking and running of the cafe? If you are interested please contact Isobel Pilkington at the church.