West Church Guild meet on a Tuesday evening at 7.30pm, generally on a fortnightly basis over the winter months.
Since 1995 we have been joined by members of St Mary's Church.
New members are always welcome, men and women can join.
Programme of meetings for 2019 - 2020 West Church Hall at 7.30 pm
Tuesday 24th September Our local paper and community: C Ritchie
Tuesday 8th October Castles and Towers quiz: David Elder
Thursday 17th October Autumn Rally: Haddington West Church (7.30) John Sharp, Director BB Scotland
Tuesday 22nd October Coffee Evening: Rev John Vischer
Tuesday 12th November Journeying Together Project, Empowering teenage mothers in Zambia
Saturday 16th November Brunch and Bring and Buy (10-12)
Tuesday 26th November The work of Blooming Haddington
Monday 2nd December Carol Service at Chalmers Memorial (7.30) Mary McLeod, Home Start, East Lothian
Tuesday 10th December Musical evening with Prior Engagement
Tuesday 14th January My road to Haddington: Rev. Liz O'Ryan
Tuesday 28th January Memories of a cruise holiday: Joyce Buchanan
Tuesday 11th February "It may seem strange but I still love...." Slide programme by Ian Fullerton
Saturday 15th February Coffeee Morning: Bring and Buy (10 - 12)
Tuesday 25th February On the Way to the Ministry: Rev. M Lyon
Tuesday 10th March catherine Blair, Founder of the Women's Rural: Dr Hanita Ritchie
Thursday 12th March Spring Rally: North Berwick Abbey Church 7.30 pm: Smalls for All: Nicki Lundy
Tuesday 24th March AGM and Bring & Buy
Thursday 18th June Summer Rally: Longniddry Church 7.30 pm: Rev Robin Hill and the Heart and Soul Band.